About Me

An IT support analyst turned quirky full-stack developer graduate. Trained with the latest technologies with extensive background in Javascript and adept at developing responsive mobile applications, and websites from the ground up. Detail-oriented mindset with 3+ years of experience in the tech industry
IT Analyst
Collaborated with developers and integrated multiple systems and resolved the needs of different teams.
Full Stack Development
12-week Full stack coding Bootcamp in Manchester, teaching a practical and industry-led curriculum and created a Fully responsive Fullstack Reddit-style news board.

Javascript Developer
Strong understanding of JavaScript, its quirks, and workarounds. Good understanding of asynchronous request handling, partial page updates, and AJAX Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility.
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Hard Working
Self Motivated
Recent works
Weather App

Weather App
"A weather forecast app created with Reactjs. The app API calls from OpenWeatherMap and displays current weather information for different cities. Built with React, CSS and axios to fetch data from OpenWeatherMap."
Thandem App

Thandem App
"Collaborated as a group and created a cross platform mobile app for cyclists to easily create or join an event and meet new cycling friends. Thandem supports integration with Strava, making it easy for users to import past activities to create new adventures. Built using React Native, Axios, Express server, Postgres DB, Knex."
News Connect Front-End

News Connect Front-End
"Connect News has articles which are divided into topics. Each article has user curated ratings and can be up or down voted using the API. Users can also add comments about an article. Comments can also be up or down voted. A user can add comments and remove any comments which they have added."
News Connect Back-End

News Connect Back-End
"Aims to simulate a real-world backend service, such as reddit. Built with Node.js and has a PSQL database. Knex.js was used to interact with the database and build queries. The API was built with Express. Test Driven Development was utilised throughout the project, using Jest (to test the utils functions) and SuperTest (to test the API endpoints)."
Technologies I Speak